(Tom's Railroad Pages)



ATTENTION: Satire!     ;-)

THE BREAD - "Meals on wheels"
"Food in my Garden"

White bread looking at you ...

"mobile Food" on my Garden Railway   ;-)

If you're a "rivet counter" and do not understand jokes,
you should not read futher! (This thing has no rivets!)

My parents told my: "Don't play with food!"

Now I'm doing it nevertheless!:

Kuh und Bauer wundern sich: Da kommt doch tatsächlich ein Brot gefahren!

Cow and farmer are wondering: Is it really a bread coming on rails?

Life tells us, that some food is "getting feet" after waiting some time.   ;-)

I wouldn't wait for it.

Nor that the "yeast drive" is being invented.
(you know: fermentation makes gas and that drives the dough ...)

Thus, I created the white bread on wheels, ...

Ein Brot schleicht sich an ...

... and for not feeling so alone, it got some slices of white bread as a trailer fot it:

3 Scheiben Weißbrot als Anhang ...

And now both of them are driving around ...

Und sogar mit Verstärkung im Anhang!

But how did I create these unique things?

I simply took a very hard "bread" (made out of fragile stoneware) from a surplus shop,
made a cut-out on the bottom, inserted a standard G scale motor drive
(LGB® / PLAYMOBIL®) and off goes the "Bread Express"!

Kein Unfall, sondern ein Blick ins Unterteil.

This is not an accident - I just wanted to let you look underneath.

If you don't take care with it, the durability of this item is limited
(because it's not heavy duty plastic or even real bread - it's a fragile stoneware make!).

The fact still is: "Don't play with food - except on the garden railway"

See also an article about my work in the Vol. 8 / No. 2 issue (2001) of US Model Railroad Magazine "A.W. N.U.T.S"!

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~~~~~ © Thomas W. H. Koppermann (twhk), 23881 Bälau, Germany ~~~~~